Accessibility: Inter
In collaboration with Inter Pukkelpop puts in a great effort to make the festival accessible for everybody. We have paid a lot of attention to the accessibility of the festival site and its surroundings.
If you wish to make use of the mentioned facilities, please fill out this subscription form before 7 August.
- If you have a disability, you can use the parking lot for people with a disability on the corner of Kempische Steenweg and Tulpinstraat. This is a paid parking.
The number of spaces is limited so please apply early by filling in the application form. - People with a disability can collect their festival bracelet at the accessible Check-in counter, at the far left. Across the road there is an alternative, accessible and less crowded entrance for people with a disability. One person is allowed to accompany him/her through this entrance.
- At the Main Stage, Club, Marquee and Dance Hall there are viewing platforms for wheelchair users, people with crutches... with a grandstand view of the performing artists. Because we would like to allow as many disabled people as possible, only one friend/carer will be allowed to assist the disabled festivalgoer on the platform.
- Right at the entrance to the festival ground you can find a campsite for festivalgoers with a disability, this campsite is a part of Camping Chill. Friends and relatives... of disabled festivalgoers wishing to stay at this campsite are welcome at this facility as well (with a maximum of 4 people and in max. 3 tents).
ATTENTION! There is no free entrance for Camping Chill, EXCEPT for the person with a disability and one friend/relative/mentor. The rest of the group (max. 3) can buy a camping Chill ticket on the website of Pukkelpop.
These places are also limited so apply for your place at the camping site before
7 August. After this date, a free camping ticket can no longer be requested! Make sure everyone has a valid ticket for Camping Chill. - Adapted toilets are situated in locations all over the festival site and at the disabled camping area.
- At the reserved camping facility, there is a nursing tent, where you can leave and pick up your wheelchair at night. Furthermore, there are adapted toilets and showers, aids like a hoist, a nursing bed,...
- You can also count on free Inter-assistance by Inter carers for e.g. setting up your tent, using the toilet, eating, getting around... Do not hesitate to turn to one of the Inter volunteers whenever you need help. You can find them on the festival site (at the viewing platforms) and in the dedicated camping area.
You will recognize them by the white vest with the Inter logo. - Pukkelpop and Inter will also look for a solution whenever you have a problem with your wheelchair or another aid.
- For people with hearing aids, Pukkelpop and Inter are setting up individual audio frequency induction loops at Main Stage and Marquee. By switching your hearing aid to the “T” position, you will enjoy much better sound quality and much less ambient noise. Request the device from the Inter volunteers at the raised platform.
If you wish to make use of the aforementioned facilities, please fill out this subscription form before 7 August.
Do you have a disability and do you have a problem to which you cannot find an answer ? Do you wish more information? Send a mail to